
Using MI Theory to understand Torah

This article in the San Diego Jewish World describes education resources offered by a multimedia company that creates animated lessons on the Torah used by thousands of children around the world, of all denominations of Judaism. The company has also developed a gaming website.

The appeal of the offerings is the ability of users to engage their multiple intelligences. As the author writes,

“Whether Rabbi Roth and his crew realize it or not, they are implementing Professor Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences through their multifaceted Torah Live programs, enabling children, parents and their teachers to find their own pathway to Torah.” 

Through the new gaming site, students can create their own content, and upload photos and videos. The gaming element is based on the earning of coins which can be spent in meaningful ways, for example, to provide food for a poor family for Shabbat, or to send flowers to an elderly person. The hope is that eventually, as the children become adults, they will help real people in real ways. 

Link to full article here.

Photo credit: Levi Meir Clancy on Unsplash