New Superhero Inspired by MI Theory

A new female superhero for a series of graphic science fiction novels has been created with inspiration from MI Theory.

The character, Dr. Cecelia Cobbina, is an African-American woman and physician with Doctors Without Borders who features in Omni: The Doctor Is In, Vol. 1 published by Humanoids. Cobbina is a genius who can cycle through nine types of intelligence like a human computer. The author, Devin Grayson, talked about the creative process behind the new character in an interview with Maurice Boyer of Publishers Weekly:

“Once I had decided I wanted Cecelia to have every kind of identified human intelligence, I had to figure out what they all were. That pretty quickly led me to Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences (from Howard Gardner’s 1983 book Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences)... One of the first breakdowns I saw was in the form of a colorful chart, which I realized could help inform how we developed the power visually: I associated each intelligence modality with its own color and avatar so that we could literally see Cecelia thinking.”

Read the whole article here.